We Buy Brand-Name Items with Private, Fast, and Secure Service

Free Evaluation, Fast Payment, Hassle-Free Process
All in One Place

Customer reviews

Ikhsan Prayogo
07:43 30 Apr 24
Karyawan yang baik dan profesional, proses yang mudah dan dapat dinegosiasikan, juga detail dalam menandai nilai barang kami. Bagus dan puas. Terima Kasih ALLU Indonesia.
riwaldy syahputra
08:47 24 Apr 24
Ganang Algofar
07:20 20 Apr 24
Terima kasih sudah membatu allu jual tas lv
Joene Lau
08:20 16 Apr 24
Pelayanannya cepat & bagus, tempatnya nyaman buat belanja harganya JG ok.
Destiani Dee
09:08 05 Apr 24
Saya sangat puas bertransaksi di Allu.. karena pelayanannya ramah, dan prosesnya sangat cepat.. terima kasih dan sukses selalu..
Della Haliana Nur
10:35 04 Apr 24
The temperature is very high and the temperature is high. Proses continue with the process. Harga cukup adil. Stafnya sopan, bertanggung jawab, dan informatif.
Michael Tawas
05:18 04 Apr 24
In the past few years, the world has grown a lot, and the world has grown a lot. In this way, you will have to pay a lot of money. If you want to make money, you will have to pay a lot of money. If you want to make money, you will have to pay a lot of money. There will be a lot of money in the world.
Petr math
09:01 03 Apr 24
Pelayanannya ramah , masih bisa nego & cepat . Pokoknya Allu kebon sirih the best ????????????
Yulia Hendri
11:07 01 Apr 24
Proses cepat, harga yang ditawarkan juga bagus
Maroef Irfhany
11:42 28 Mar 24
Pelayanan is friendly and friendly.
12:01 27 Mar 24
Pelayanan cepat dan sangat bagus terima kasih
Ajeng Latifah
09:44 27 Mar 24
Pelayanan nya baik dan ramah
04:48 27 Mar 24
05:13 26 Mar 24
mega marjito
10:12 25 Mar 24
Bagus sekali pelayanannya, pegawai nya sangat ramah dan membantu. proses pembayaranya aman dan cepat
Febi Anshari
07:44 22 Mar 24
Ditta Hasniaty
08:47 21 Mar 24
Harga jual nya baguss bangett...Staffnya ramah, tempat nya nyaman..Pokoknya kalau mau jual barang lux merk europe.. disini ajaa...
Andree Rizki
07:24 20 Mar 24
Mantap dah, gak tau lagi mau nulis apa. In the past few years, everyone has made a list of top dah...Pelayanannya ramah, proses pembayaran sangat cepat, dan harga yg ditawarkan lumayan tinggi.Allu emang is the best top markotop.
Dewi Cita Arum
07:19 20 Mar 24
All you need is a mantap, a super ramah dan nyaman banget. Serta transaksi di Allu sangat mudah dan cepat ..Sukses selalu Allu.
Nur Asia
05:42 20 Mar 24
Pelayann cepat bangat ga pakai ribet prosesnya cepat ga salah pilih Allu untuk menjual barang mewah anda dengan cepat
Deddi Adriandi
10:29 19 Mar 24
Responsive cepat dan pelayanan yg ramah dari team Allu
06:26 19 Mar 24
Temperature is the same as the one that is branded and is the most popular. saya menjual tas LV degan harga yang sangat bagus .pokoknya top deh ALLU .MAKASI ALLU.
Andy Pribadi
04:30 19 Mar 24
Responsive nya sangat cepat dari staff Allu Kebon Sirih dan setelah saya coba nego ternyata masih bisa dapat tambahan cash bonus lagi..payment nya cepat tidak sampai 15 menit sudah masuk rekening..simple dan praktis transaksi di Allu. Sukses buat Allu
Agnes Novella
03:59 15 Mar 24
Pelayanan nya ramah, good service. Highly recommended
Tommy Tommy
03:45 14 Mar 24
Perlayanan yang cepat dan sangat ramah... good job Vanka ????
Kakatommy 99
03:42 14 Mar 24
Perlayanan yang cepat dan sangat ramah.. good job Vanka ????
Troizi Filleti
08:29 12 Mar 24
It's very professional, penanganan profesional.
Amalia Hafsari
09:17 08 Mar 24
Profesional & ramah
Ezi Going
09:12 06 Mar 24
Temper diamana jual barang-barang branded terpercaya. Beberapa kali jual tas di ALLU harganya cocok. Terimakasih kepada mbak Vanka yang sangat ramah dan membantu kesepakatan pada harga yang terbaik.
G. Khansa I
07:38 06 Mar 24
dnino design
04:47 05 Mar 24
Penawaran bagus dan response sangat cepat!! Besar
Dash 1234
10:14 04 Mar 24
Good idea Lalu ini
lia mayanti
09:59 04 Mar 24
Terimakasih ALLU,service nya bagus,,, terutama mas tyo nya ramah..tapi proses nya aja yg lumayan lama,tpi gpp..keseluruhan bagus,…
Skolastika Ninotska
08:18 02 Mar 24
Temper the weather, the weather is cold, the weather is cold, the weather is cold, the weather is cold, the weather is cold, the weather is cold, the weather is cold.
Puspa Fatma Sari
13:09 27 Feb 24
Temperature is the same as branded products. Terima kasih Allu.
Reni Murni
11:05 26 Feb 24
Pelayanan bagus, harga yg di tawarkan sesuai dengan kondisi barang, aku sendiri pertama kali kesini sangat puas dengan pelayanan yahya, tyo, vanka dan bradley, . Next time is there a problem ????
Devara Putri P
07:08 26 Feb 24
Thank u mas Yahya dan Mas Tyo sdh membantu menjual jam dn tas saya dengan harga yg wuaahhh lumayan tinggi, puas syekali disini, thank u mas mas????????
A Google User
07:08 26 Feb 24
Thank u mas Yahya dan Mas Tyo sdh membantu menjual jam dn tas saya dengan harga yg wuaahhh lumayan tinggi, puas syekali disini, thank u mas mas????????
Anugrah Rahmawan
05:53 24 Feb 24
Pelayanan bagus, proses penilaian cepat, dan penawaran bagus. Terima kasih ALLU Kebon Sirih atas pelayanannya 🙂
Iis Anugrah
05:50 24 Feb 24
In my opinion, I love you, I love you so much, ALLU "I LOVE U" is the best.
brian s
11:28 22 Feb 24
Yang paling Berkesan itu responnya... cepat, ramah, memberi solusi yg tepat dan mudah. In the future, we have a lot of money.. Translation is the same as before. Buat kamu yang punya Tas branded, jam tangan branded dan sudah bosan... jual ke sini aja.. daripada numpuk ga kepake.. mending dijadiin duit... mantap ALLU kebon sirih.. sukses selalu...
07:55 22 Feb 24
Harga wajar, pelayanan bagus, dan pembayaran cepat! Stafnya ramah! Sangat dianjurkan!
shika praristya
08:15 21 Feb 24
When it comes to buying and selling items, Dior Bags say that you want to buy oleh, and if you want to buy them, you need to buy them.
shika praristya
08:15 21 Feb 24
When it comes to buying and selling items, Dior Bags say that you want to buy oleh, and if you want to buy them, you need to buy them.
Susan Meitasari
06:54 19 Feb 24
If you are a foreigner, then you have to pay a lot of money to pay the bills, and if you want to pay the bills, you can pay the bills and pay the bills...????
ochi 9090
04:24 16 Feb 24
In the middle of the night, there are many people in the world, there are many people in the world, there are many people in the world. Terima kasih.
puskesmas hp Official
11:58 15 Feb 24
Please feel free to contact us. If you are a super ramah dan nyaman banget.serta transaksi di Allu sangat mudah dan cepat cairnya .buat kamu yang punya Tas branded dan sudah bosan jual ke Allu aja proses 1 jam langsung cair boss Qu ....wah pokok nya recomended bngt deh .thks you All you need to do is sireh sudah ke 2 kalinya menjual disini dan semuanya proses nya mudah dan cepat .
Cahya Putri A.
05:05 15 Feb 24
In the middle of the night, the top deh pokoknyaa harga yg dikasih memuaskan, mantulita top markotop lopee dah pokonyaa ????????????
Meong Gendut
05:03 15 Feb 24
Cepat , mudah , amanah ???????? membantu sekali ????????
Vanessa Senjaya
11:43 13 Feb 24
Woooow luar biasa, pelayanan sangat baik dan harga wajar!!!
Iis Ismaya
10:58 07 Feb 24
Ramah banget , response ny cepet , pkok ny recomend di sini , ruangan ny dingin ,harga ny masih bisa d nego .
Lia Sutanto
05:41 06 Feb 24
Recently bought ALLU store ini..Good and excellent service????Helpfull employee (mas Yahya,mas Tyo). Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you
Putri Marchiana
15:08 02 Feb 24
Dina Auliap
05:26 31 Jan 24
Pelayanannya ramah bangeett.. dikasih harga terbaik..the best..thankyou ALLU..
Wei Jessica
06:07 29 Jan 24
Proses cpt ga bertele tele
Putri Yunisa
10:51 26 Jan 24
Pelayanan cepat, petugasnya sigap dalam mengecek barang dan tawaran harganya. Good ????
Rini Dwikora
08:33 26 Jan 24
Prose penjualan berlangsung dengan cepat dengan harga yg terbaik.
Tuti Ervin
06:33 23 Jan 24
If you want to get rid of ribs when you leave the house, you can get rid of the ribs by transferring them, and when you want to get rid of the ribs, you need to transfer the money to them. There is a new place for everyone.
Ny. Indriati
07:37 22 Jan 24
Kiki Ante
20:54 20 Jan 24
mila purnama
08:18 19 Jan 24
If you want to stay warm, stay warm, stay warm, stay warm, stay warm ????
Cahya Putri A.
12:24 18 Jan 24
vika iconiq
03:57 18 Jan 24
Custumer service ramah , menjelaskan apapun detail , harga yg sesuai masih bisa dinaikan dr harga estimasi .. good deal
steven winardy
10:06 16 Jan 24
Salah satu company yg sangat ok dalam menjual barang second branded. Mereka bahkan bantu agar harga yg kita dapatkan melebihi dari apa yg kita estimasi kan
Ayu Soenardjo
11:04 15 Jan 24
Jeane Mursid
04:14 14 Jan 24
Layanan hebat dan staf yang baik
Wabagz Gaming
07:31 13 Jan 24
When you have a lot of food, you have to pay a lot of money, and you have to pay a lot of money, and you have to pay a lot of money in Indonesia.
03:47 13 Jan 24
Love datang ke sini untuk langsung menjual barang-barang mewahku! Pelayanan hebat dan cepat!
Herlina L
09:13 11 Jan 24
Temper the world's most beautiful people, and you will always have a beautiful day❤❤
Esther Pamela
10:39 10 Jan 24
Proses Cepat, Service ok ????????
Dini Handradjati
06:08 10 Jan 24
Staff are interested in the process of processing.
flo gil
09:10 09 Jan 24
Staf ramah, transaksi cepat. Saya sangat only some komendasikan tempat ini
06:14 09 Jan 24
05:34 09 Jan 24
Penanganan ny sangat cepat staf ny ramah tempatnya privat trimakasih allu Indonesia kebon sirih the best service ny sukses sllu
rinto baon
10:36 08 Jan 24
Service ny sangat bagus petugasnya ramah barang langsung di proses the best pokoknya sukses selalu untuk allu Indonesia
Tof 133
06:44 08 Jan 24
If you want to make a transfer to Pacific Place, please contact us and we will make sure you get the best deal for your next transfer, and we will make sure you get the best deal for your next transfer. Serta mba Ayu yang sudah sangat baik ????????-cindy-
Agung Chandra
09:54 05 Jan 24
Bagus, pelayanan nya memuaskan ada harga nego juga Alhamdulillah..☺️
Ampera Jaya
06:50 05 Jan 24
Vinni Alvionita22
09:24 04 Jan 24
Refie Suziana
04:43 30 Dec 23
The temperature is too high and the temperature is too high!
Mich Chelle
08:46 28 Dec 23
Pelayanan cepat dan sangat dapat dipercaya!Saya menjual semua barang mewah saya di siniStaf sangat membantu layanan luar biasa!
Yasmin Yasmin
07:11 27 Dec 23
MasyaAllah luar biasa pelayanannya di allu semua nya gercep dan di permuda mana tempatnya sngt nyaman pelayanan nya Rama" Terimakasih
Mister Tor
04:26 27 Dec 23
There are many people who want to sell their own food and drink a lot of food, and when it comes to buying and selling food, proses and baked goods, profesional & customer service. Utk deal harga, semua balik lagi ke customer.
ayu medi
06:59 19 Dec 23
Happy selling bars in Allu pelayanan nya fast response Ramah banget mba Rara dan mas Rizky nya apapun pertanyaan nya dijawab dengan baik dan jelas. Next, you can buy a good price and buy it at a good price. Alhamdulillah jazakillah khair????????
Indah Febriyana
06:55 19 Dec 23
Our employees are very friendly and their employees are branded. the best deh pokoknya
Citra C
10:03 13 Dec 23
Pelayanan bagus
Deebie Fernanda Amelfi
05:34 13 Dec 23
ALLU Kebon Siri has changed his mind. Stafnya ramah, saya sangat only komendasikan!
Silvia Andriani
05:30 12 Dec 23
Sangat cepat . Menyarankan
Kretek Uki
05:21 09 Dec 23
Ramah, this is a good time, it's a good day.
Karen Tjoa
07:52 08 Dec 23
Menjual preloved yg sdh tdk pakai dgn cepat dan instant
kerenkaren diary
11:49 07 Dec 23
Senang menjual barang2 saya ke sini, Terima Kasih ALLU!
yasaro sulthon
06:10 07 Dec 23
Alhamdulillah Pelayanan bagus, the book is written in a book.. proses are written in a simple book..the book is written in Indonesia..
Ann Lang
08:23 06 Dec 23
If you have already bought ALLU, there is OK, and if you want to make money with ALLU, the right place is to turn your preloved branded stuff into CASH. Semoga semakin terdepan!
Ismulyati 14
06:30 06 Dec 23
Everyone is professional. Pelayanan nya ok. Harga bagus
OPchitra duddih
11:22 05 Dec 23
kesepakatan bagus! pembayaran cepat! Rizky dan Rara sangat membantu dan pelayanannya prima ????????
GoSu84 MoBa
07:52 25 Nov 23
Pelayanan yang baik, sambutan yang menghangatkan hati, dapat dipercaya, senang berbisnis dengan ALLU
jamie crock
06:17 18 Oct 23
Temper your body and make your body more beautiful! It's been a long time since I've had a cepat! There is a lot of people in the house. There is a new place for all members to join!
Nadia -
04:11 09 Oct 23
Very recommended,nice place, nice buyer, there is a lot of food in the market. Suksess allu Indonesia.
ester eviriani
09:16 28 Sep 23
Tempatnya nyaman mudah dicari gedungnya dan sangat bermanfaat untuk yang bosan sama tas ,accesoris,jam tangan brand nya bisa jual ke sini ya ,prosesnya mudah dan cepat ,langsung nego deal langsung dibayar deh tas ,accesoris ,jam tangan brandnya ,pelayanan juga sanga t baik . .dan ramah
adeline natawijaya
09:40 11 Sep 23
Sangat Puas Transaksi in Allu Indonesia
etty aritonang
06:21 30 Aug 23
Pelayanannya ramah,dan transaksinya cepat ,,sangat puas dengan pelayannya
Tari Galapsing
08:17 22 Aug 23
Alhamdulillah, please contact us to make a good banget and make a faster banget, so we can make a good banget with you and make a good banget.
Miko Choco
23:07 17 Aug 23
First impression, please contact ALLU Kebon Sirih, and if you want to make sure that you are satisfied with your customer care, then you will have to pay a lot of money to get your money back. Terimakasih ya atas kenyamanan yang diberikan selama bertransaksi ????
Helen Koeswoyo
13:22 14 Aug 23
Pelayanan luar biasa. Thank you
Arif Fadillah
05:51 31 Jul 23
What is the price of the bag????
herni prawira
08:31 28 Jul 23
Allu Kebon Sirih the best, best service, best price, very recommended????Terima kasih Mas Rizky & team????
Mutia Kasih
08:03 21 Jul 23
Saya hadir every day in the penjualan barang Alhamdulillah baik caranya dan solusiya cukup baik
Setiawan Hadi
10:23 20 Jul 23
Thanks Allu kebon sirih….thanks mas Sultan, rizky, yahya karena kalian sudah sangat helpfull banget orangnya,.jual barang kalian dsini aja! Gak ribet! If you want to proselytize yourself, then you will have to pay attention to the bias of others.
04:11 15 Jul 23
Pelayanan ok bgt si dan untuk harga bener2 sesuai dengan kondisi barangTop lah pokonya sukses trus ALLU
Junior Andhika
10:06 11 Jul 23
Jujur awal masuk dan munculnya iklan diberanda social media attracts my attention saya banget dan gak percaya, rasa ingin tahu seberapa bagus Allu memperkenalkan jasa membeli stuff branded yang dimiliki customer. After that, after all the information has been collected from the staff, Saya Dilayani has a professional staff member. There are a lot of people in the world who are hungry and want to have fun. This is the case where the story of the transaksian dilakukan. Our customers use air minerals (my suggestion). Saya ga segan2 untuk menceritakan pengalaman saya bersama Allu indonesia kepada teman2 saya yang ingin menjual barang branded only. Terimakasih.Good job Allu Indonesia.????????
Carla M
08:14 08 Jul 23
Prose transaksi cepat dan simplel. The staff are very friendly and have fun with their clothes, so if you want to have fun with them, you will have to make a costumer. Terima kasih ya! ????
Utami Widhiastuti
07:33 03 Jul 23
Prosesnya sangat mudah dan cepat. In the summer of 2018, there was a lot of fish in the sea, and there was a lot of fish in the sea. What is the meaning of this matter ????
IY Ingrid
03:32 18 Jun 23
Very happy transfer from ALLU - Kbn Sirih, petugasnya profesional: ramah & informatif bgt!????✨??????????⭐ Pelayanannya cepat dan payment lancar jaya (same day). Pokoknya recommended bgt! ????????
Andree Rizki
07:20 23 May 23
Mantap, you will have to pay a lot of money to get your money back. Tempatnya juga nyaman sangat privasi pelayanannya juga sangat ramah sekali. Terimakasih allu
Rina Rachmania
09:25 22 May 23
Tempat your menjual kembali barang Branded Anda. Melayani dgn Profesional, Terpercaya dan menawarkan harga yang cukup bagus.Saya kasih 5 stars karena pengalaman saya pribadi in ALLU INDONESIA ????.Sukses sll ALLU INDONESIA.
16:20 11 Apr 23
If you want to buy food from all over the world, then you need to buy food and drink it, and when you buy it, you can buy it in Indonesia.
yudhiez irawan
14:33 29 Mar 23
Jujur saya belum pernah tau ALLU Indonesia. Search for more information on Google. And the result is...... Keren parah3 kata yang menggambarkan ALLU Indonesia ( simple / Fast & HelpFULL)Prosesnya SIMPLE????Komunikasinya FAST????Staff nya HELPFULL????Thanks for making friends. Love ALLU Indonesia ????
Ikhsan Prayogo
07:43 30 Apr 24
well handed and professional employee, easy and negotiable process, also detail on marking the value of our stuff. Well done and satisfied. Thank u ALLU Indonesia.
riwaldy syahputra
08:47 24 Apr 24
Ganang Algofar
07:20 20 Apr 24
Thank you for helping me sell my LV bag
Joene Lau
08:20 16 Apr 24
The service is fast & good, the place is comfortable for shopping, the price is also ok
Destiani Dee
09:08 05 Apr 24
I am very satisfied with transactions at Allu... because the service is friendly, and the process is very fast... thank you and always successful...
Della Haliana Nur
10:35 04 Apr 24
The right place to sell your luxury goods. The process and payment is fast. Prices are quite fair. The staff are polite, responsible and informative.
Michael Tawas
05:18 04 Apr 24
Got the best deal to sell out luxury bags, directly negotiated with japan. Transferred within minutes.Starting now, I'll take care of my luxury items more diligent to protect the value.What they say, they delivered as promised.Thank you Allu, truly appreciate
Petr math
09:01 03 Apr 24
The service is friendly, still negotiable & fast. Anyway, Allu kebon betel is the best ????????????
Yulia Hendri
11:07 01 Apr 24
The process is fast, the price offered is also good
Maroef Irfhany
11:42 28 Mar 24
Fast friendly and friendly service
12:01 27 Mar 24
Fast and very good service, thank you
Ajeng Latifah
09:44 27 Mar 24
The service is good and friendly
04:48 27 Mar 24
05:13 26 Mar 24
mega marjito
10:12 25 Mar 24
Very good service, the employees are very friendly and helpful. the payment process is safe and fast
Febi Anshari
07:44 22 Mar 24
Ditta Hasniaty
08:47 21 Mar 24
The selling price is really good...The staff is friendly, the place is comfortable...Basically, if you want to sell luxury European brand goods... just come here...
Andree Rizki
07:24 20 Mar 24
That's great, I don't know what else to write. Anyway, the transactions at Allu Kebon Sirih are top notch...The service is friendly, the payment process is very fast, and the prices offered are quite high.Allu is indeed the best top markotop
Dewi Cita Arum
07:19 20 Mar 24
Allu Kebon Sirih is great, the service is super friendly and very comfortable. And transactions at Allu are very easy and fast...Success always Allu
Nur Asia
05:42 20 Mar 24
Very fast service, no hassle, fast process, you can't go wrong with choosing Allu to sell your luxury goods quickly
Deddi Adriandi
10:29 19 Mar 24
Fast response and friendly service from the Allu team
06:26 19 Mar 24
The best place to sell your branded goods at the highest prices. I sell LV bags at very good prices. Basically top, ALLU. THANK YOU ALLU.
Andy Pribadi
04:30 19 Mar 24
The response was very fast from the Allu Kebon Sirih staff and after I tried to negotiate it turned out that I could still get another additional cash bonus...payment was fast, less than 15 minutes after it was in my account...simple and practical transactions at Allu. Good luck to Allu
Agnes Novella
03:59 15 Mar 24
The service is friendly, good service. Highly recommended
Tommy Tommy
03:45 14 Mar 24
Fast and very friendly service... good job Vanka ????
Kakatommy 99
03:42 14 Mar 24
Fast and very friendly service... good job Vanka ????
Troizi Filleti
08:29 12 Mar 24
Best deal, professional handling
Amalia Hafsari
09:17 08 Mar 24
Professional & friendly
Ezi Going
09:12 06 Mar 24
A place where trusted branded goods are sold. Several times selling bags at ALLU, the price is right.Thank you to Ms. Vanka who was very friendly and helped to agree on the best price.
G. Khansa I
07:38 06 Mar 24
dnino design
04:47 05 Mar 24
good deal and really fast response!! great
Dash 1234
10:14 04 Mar 24
Good idea Then this
lia mayanti
09:59 04 Mar 24
Thank you ALLU, the service is good... especially Mas Tyo is friendly...but the process is quite long, but that's okay...overall good,…
Skolastika Ninotska
08:18 02 Mar 24
Best place to sell branded stuffs .. Quick responds, Helpful staff, Reasonable price n Fast transaction Thank you ALLU Kebon Sirih
Puspa Fatma Sari
13:09 27 Feb 24
A place to sell branded bags quickly and at affordable prices. Thanks Allu.
Reni Murni
11:05 26 Feb 24
Good service, the prices offered are in accordance with the condition of the goods, my first time here, I was very satisfied with the service of Yahya, Tyo, Vanka and Bradley. Next time I will sell here again ????
Devara Putri P
07:08 26 Feb 24
Thank you bro Yahya and Mas Tyo for helping me sell my watch and bag at a price that is quite high, very satisfied here, thank you bro????????
A Google User
07:08 26 Feb 24
Thank you, Mas Yahya and Mas Tyo, for helping me sell my watch and bag at a price that's quite high, very satisfied here, thank you, bro????????
Anugrah Rahmawan
05:53 24 Feb 24
Nice service, quick appraisal process, and good offer. Thank you ALLU Kebon Sirih for the service 🙂
Iis Anugrah
05:50 24 Feb 24
In my opinion, the service is friendly, so it makes me comfortable... for ALLU "I LOVE U" Continue success
brian s
11:28 22 Feb 24
The most impressive thing was the response... fast, friendly, providing the right and easy solution. The point is, you won't regret it... transactions at Allu are very easy and fast. For those of you who have branded bags, branded watches and are bored... just sell them here... instead of having them piled up without using them... it's better to turn them into money... great ALLU Kebon Sirih ... always successful...
07:55 22 Feb 24
Reasonable price, good service and fast payment! The staff were friendly! Highly recommended!
shika praristya
08:15 21 Feb 24
Thank you for selling Dior Bags items, I was helped by Ka Yahya and Ka Tyo, Allu got a good price
Susan Meitasari
06:54 19 Feb 24
Thank you to Mas Yahya and Mas Tio who really helped me sell Balenciaga bags and other items, very friendly and kind, made me comfortable making transactions with Allu, success always to Allu...????
ochi 9090
04:24 16 Feb 24
Good prices, can bargain, comfortable place, friendly vd service, very communicative and informative. Thank You.
puskesmas hp Official
11:58 15 Feb 24
Indeed, Allu Kebon Betel is the best. super friendly and very comfortable service. And transactions at Allu are very easy and fast. For those of you who have branded bags and are bored of selling them to Allu, the process takes 1 hour and it's immediately cashed, Boss Qu... wow, really recommended. Thank you. Allu Kebon Sirih is the second time selling here and the whole process is easy and fast.
Cahya Putri A.
05:05 15 Feb 24
You won't regret subscribing here, it's top, the price given is satisfactory, it's good, top markotop lopee is really good ????????????
Meong Gendut
05:03 15 Feb 24
Fast, easy, trustworthy ???????? very helpful ????????
Vanessa Senjaya
11:43 13 Feb 24
Woooow amazing, very good service and reasonable price !!!
Iis Ismaya
10:58 07 Feb 24
Very friendly, quick response, I definitely recommend here, the room is cold, the price is still negotiable.
Lia Sutanto
05:41 06 Feb 24
I've really subscribed to this ALLU store..Good and excellent service????Helpful employees (mas Yahya, mas Tyo). They were really good at explaining and helping to get the deal done.Suggestions for ALLU if you can accept US brands too????????Thank you, success for ALLU
Putri Marchiana
15:08 02 Feb 24
Dina Auliap
05:26 31 Jan 24
The service is really friendly.. given the best price..the best..thankyou ALLU..
Wei Jessica
06:07 29 Jan 24
The process is quick and not long-winded
Putri Yunisa
10:51 26 Jan 24
Fast service, the officers are alert in checking the goods and offering prices. Good ????
Rini Dwikora
08:33 26 Jan 24
The sales process takes place quickly with the best price
Tuti Ervin
06:33 23 Jan 24
Thank you, Allu Kebon Sirih, for being very helpful when I was looking for a place to sell my prelove bag and it wasn't complicated, the service was very friendly and I got a good price, it wasn't complicated, come straight away, check the deal and transfer straight away. Thank you, success always for Allu.
Ny. Indriati
07:37 22 Jan 24
Kiki Ante
20:54 20 Jan 24
mila purnama
08:18 19 Jan 24
the staff are friendly and very helpful, the place is also cozy, really highly recommended ????
Cahya Putri A.
12:24 18 Jan 24
vika iconiq
03:57 18 Jan 24
Friendly customer service, explains all the details, the appropriate price can still be increased from the estimated price... good deal
steven winardy
10:06 16 Jan 24
One of the companies that is very good at selling second-hand branded goods. They even helped so that the price we got was more than what we estimated, right?
Ayu Soenardjo
11:04 15 Jan 24
Jeane Mursid
04:14 14 Jan 24
Great service and nice staff
Wabagz Gaming
07:31 13 Jan 24
happy to sell goods here, the prices offered are also in accordance with requests, the service is very good and friendly, I hope Allu Indonesia will progress further in the future
03:47 13 Jan 24
Lovee coming here to direct sell my luxury items! Great and fast service!
Herlina L
09:13 11 Jan 24
The best place for selling your branded bags, friendly staff and good deals price❤❤
Esther Pamela
10:39 10 Jan 24
Fast process, ok service ????????
Dini Handradjati
06:08 10 Jan 24
Friendly staffLocation is easy to findEasy conditionsFast process
flo gil
09:10 09 Jan 24
Friendly staff, speedy transactions. I highly recommend this place
06:14 09 Jan 24
05:34 09 Jan 24
The handling is very fast, the staff is friendly, the place is private, thank you, Allu Indonesia, Kebon Sirih, the best service, always successful
rinto baon
10:36 08 Jan 24
The service is very good, the staff are friendly, the goods are processed straight away, the best, always success for allu Indonesia
Tof 133
06:44 08 Jan 24
Thank you, Allu, Pacific Place branch, for being very helpful and very kind, first come, picked up, greeted very welcome, very happy to get a good price according to my expectations, no hassle, come straight away, check the goods, deal with transfer, thank you, good luck, always success for Allu and the team and Ms. Ayu which is already very good ????????-cindy-
03:51 08 Jan 24
excellent experience with allu
Agung Chandra
09:54 05 Jan 24
good, the service is satisfying and the price is negotiable too, Alhamdulillah..☺️
Ampera Jaya
06:50 05 Jan 24
Vinni Alvionita22
09:24 04 Jan 24
Refie Suziana
04:43 30 Dec 23
The right place to sell your luxury brands items!
Mich Chelle
08:46 28 Dec 23
Quick service and very trustworthy!I sold all my luxury stuff in hereThe staff was really helpful amazing service!
Yasmin Yasmin
07:11 27 Dec 23
MasyaAllah, the service in Allu is extraordinary, everything is fast and in Permuda, where the place is, the service is very comfortable, Rama's service" Thank you
Mister Tor
04:26 27 Dec 23
As long as the goods they receive match the brand that has been listed and we bring the physical goods, the process is fast & not complicated, professional & of course the customer is also comfortable. To negotiate a price, it all goes back to the customer.
ayu medi
06:59 19 Dec 23
Happy selling goods at Allu, fast response service, Ms. Rara and Mr. Rizky are very friendly, whatever questions they have, they are answered well and clearly. Next, I want to sell goods quickly and at a good price on Allu and get paid straight away, it won't take long. Alhamdulillah, jazakillah khair????????
Indah Febriyana
06:55 19 Dec 23
The service is ok and the staff is very helpful in selling branded bags. the best anyway
Citra C
10:03 13 Dec 23
Good services
Deebie Fernanda Amelfi
05:34 13 Dec 23
ALLU Kebon Sirih is the best. The Staff was friendly, I highly recommended!
Kretek Uki
05:21 09 Dec 23
Friendly, fast service, explanations are also ok
Karen Tjoa
07:52 08 Dec 23
Selling preloved ones that are no longer used quickly and instantly
yasaro sulthon
06:10 07 Dec 23
Thank God, good service, speed and accuracy of checking goods is good... the process of selling goods is simple and fast... thank you Allu Indonesia...
Ann Lang
08:23 06 Dec 23
Happy selling my preloved items at ALLU, the price is OK, the service is friendly and polite, thank you Mr. Rizky and team, happy transacting with ALLU, right place to turn your preloved branded stuff into CASH. Hopefully it gets ahead!
Ismulyati 14
06:30 06 Dec 23
Allu is very professional. The service is ok. Good price
OPchitra duddih
11:22 05 Dec 23
good deal! fast payment! Rizky and Rara very helpful and excelent services ????????
GoSu84 MoBa
07:52 25 Nov 23
Good service, heart warming welcome, trustworthy, its a pleasure for doing business with ALLU
jamie crock
06:17 18 Oct 23
The best place to sell your luxury bags with a good price! Fast work, Fast checking and Fast payment! Friendly staffs and helpfull. Thank you AllU for giving best service!
Nadia -
04:11 09 Oct 23
Very recommended, nice place, nice buyer, really helpful for those who want to sell branded goods without the hassle and waste of time. Success allu Indonesia.
ester eviriani
09:16 28 Sep 23
The place is comfortable, it's easy to find the building and it's very useful for those who are bored with branded bags, accessories and watches, you can sell them here, the process is easy and fast, you can immediately negotiate the deal and you' ll pay straight away for the bags, accessories and branded watches, the service is also very good. .and friendly
adeline natawijaya
09:40 11 Sep 23
Very satisfied with the transaction at Allu Indonesia
etty aritonang
06:21 30 Aug 23
The service is friendly, and the transaction is fast, very satisfied with the waiter
Tari Galapsing
08:17 22 Aug 23
Thank God, Allu's response in terms of service, disbursement was really fast, especially for Mas Reski's service, it was really good.I recommend allu as a place to sell auth goodsThe most comfortable and fast.
Miko Choco
23:07 17 Aug 23
The first impression when I arrived at ALLU Kebon Sirih was a very friendly atmosphere, both the atmosphere of the place and the customer care, making me want to continue doing transactions here.Thank you for the convenience provided during the transaction ????
herni prawira
08:31 28 Jul 23
Allu Kebon Sirih is the best, best service, best price, very recommended????Thank you Mas Rizky & team????
Mutia Kasih
08:03 21 Jul 23
I was present at Allu to sell goods, Alhamdulillah, the method was good and the solution was quite good
Ivana Lubis
13:03 20 Jul 23
Best place to sell your branded bags ???? nice and polite staff , very helpfull , and the price they offer really make me satisfy , thanks a lot ALLU ❤️❤️?????????“Duduk manis terima duit cuma ada di ALLU”
Rere Quiero
11:56 28 Jun 23
Best Service , Nice staff , Professional , fast selling , Thank you Allu
05:08 12 Jun 23
ALLU Indonesia - kebon sirih is the best place for selling your pre-owned luxury fashion items dan bener2 best price, staffnya friendly and polite. Definitely will come back!
juliana salim
11:13 06 Jun 23
Nice service and also Fast responses , friendly staff also polite, proffesional handle , worth it to sell good stuffs here , Recommended
Melinda Zakaria
09:52 29 May 23
Best service , Best Price , Best Place to adopt our Collection. , Success ALLU.
Kennethkylbri Gaming
03:20 25 May 23
Allu is the best professional service payment sangat cepat definitely will come back
Cha cha
06:50 24 May 23
Good service mas Fauzan and good price, Thank you ❤️

How to buy our brand names

We made the selling process easy
Shop for buying used Rolex watches, all models, free price assessment, high price, trustworthy 100%, fast service, sell your used rolex, contact us to get the best offer today!

On-site Assessment

To make an appointment in advance, simply send us a message via Line.

Shop for buying used Rolex watches, all models, free price assessment, high price, trustworthy 100%, fast service, sell your used rolex, contact us to get the best offer today!


VIP Private Room service when bringing products to the store

Get Paid for your luxury items


Once the system has verified the authenticity, the money will be transferred to your bank account within 1 business day.

What We Purchase



Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Breguet, Breitling, Cartier, Hublot, IWC, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Omega, Panerai, Patek Philippe, Richard Mille, TAG Heuer, Vacheron Constantin

Hermes bags


Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Gucci, Chanel, Dior, Balenciaga, Fendi, Prada, Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent, Berluti, Goyard, Givenchy, etc.



Cartier, Tiffany, Van Cleef & Arpels, Chanel, Bulgari, Harry Winston, Chaumet, Boucheron, Mikimoto, etc. 



Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, etc.



Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Breguet, Breitling, Cartier, Hublot, IWC, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Omega, Panerai, Patek Philippe, Richard Mille, TAG Heuer, Vacheron Constantin

Hermes bags


Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Gucci, Chanel, Dior, Balenciaga, Fendi, Prada, Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent, Berluti, Goyard, Givenchy, etc.



Cartier, Tiffany, Van Cleef & Arpels, Chanel, Bulgari, Harry Winston, Chaumet, Boucheron, Mikimoto, etc. 

Who Are We?

Connecting the "Value" of your goods to the new investment of your life.

We place a great value over bringing satisfaction to every business deal,
which our customer makes a new investment on themselves that further brings new excitement and stimulation to their daily lives. At Allu, we showcase a sophisticated Japanese style luxury buying service with over 165 locations globally. Allu’s company headquarters are located in Japan and have been established since December 2011. In March 2018, the company became listed on the Mothers section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Who Are We?

Connecting the "Value" of your goods to the new investment of your life.

We place a great value over bringing satisfaction to every business deal,
which our customer makes a new investment on themselves that further brings new excitement and stimulation to their daily lives. At Allu, we showcase a sophisticated Japanese style luxury buying service with over 165 locations globally. Allu’s company headquarters are located in Japan and have been established since December 2011. In March 2018, the company became listed on the Mothers section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

From Osaka to the world

Allu is a center for purchasing second-hand or pre-loved brand items. We bring the concept of Japanese hospitality culture called Omotenashi to Allu's service and hospitality. We pay attention to details. Understand diversity and always ready to provide a good experience to visiting customers.

Shop for buying used Rolex watches, all models, free price assessment, high price, trustworthy 100%, fast service, sell your used rolex, contact us to get the best offer today!


Founded in Japan

Shop for buying used Rolex watches, all models, free price assessment, high price, trustworthy 100%, fast service, sell your used rolex, contact us to get the best offer today!


Branches in 17 countries

*Japan, United Kingdom, France, Singapore, etc.
Shop for buying used Rolex watches, all models, free price assessment, high price, trustworthy 100%, fast service, sell your used rolex, contact us to get the best offer today!



Shop for buying used Rolex watches, all models, free price assessment, high price, trustworthy 100%, fast service, sell your used rolex, contact us to get the best offer today!

Number 1

Customer satisfaction in Japan

*Researched by Nihon Nouritsu kyokai 2018

Why ALLU has strong buying power?

ALLU has built its own circular ecosystem which buying items from customers locally
and selling them through our selling platform globally.

That’s why we can buy wide range of brand items

Easy Ways To Sell Items

To offer you the best selling experience possible we currently have two different options for you to choose from:

Buy brand name watches, bags, jewelry, diamonds | Allu

VIP Private Room

Experience the fastest method to turn your luxury items into cash. We provide prompt valuation and offer private, comfortable spaces for your ease. Please let us know a time that suits you best.

Contact us via Line to make a reservation and set a convenient time to visit the Allu shop.

Visit our store and meet one of our expert in our private room.

We will appraise your items and make an offer. If you accept it, you get paid immediately via bank transfer.

Buy brand name watches, bags, jewelry, diamonds | Allu

Exclusive On Site

If you have many items to sell we can arrange a home visit. Our professional buyer can visit your home and value your new or used luxury items. Please let us know when is good for you.

Contact us via Line to make a reservation and set a convenient time for us to meet you.

Our expert visits your home to value your luxury items.

We will appraise your items and make an offer. If you accept it, you get paid immediately via bank transfer.

We are committed to designing the value of people's lives, making everyone valuable. Even though people have different lifestyles, careers, and statuses, we want everyone to realize the value of life and pay attention to creating a good way of life for themselves.

We aim to be a “Value Design Company” that accompanies our customers throughout their lives. Our Value designer will wait for you.

We aim to be "Value Design Company" that provides life-changing value to all our customers Although there are different locations and business activities, and to help everyone realize their own way of life

We aim to be “Value Design Company” that will be with our customers for the rest of their lives. Our value designers will be waiting for you.